Pixar’s 2021 masterpiece Luca was about as canon gay as a G-rated cartoon can get—and yet some viewers are prepared to die on the “Luca is not gay” hill. Why? We don’t know. Apparently heterosexual representation is just so important to those poor, media-starved straight people that they can’t stand to see their straight stories erased on the screen!

But to that we say: tough sh*t. As if Luca the movie wasn’t gay enough for us, the Disneyland mascots tasked with portraying Luca’s main characters recently took it a step further.

Spotted last week at Disneyland, the Luca and Alberto mascots casually strolled through the park holding hands, and it was a beautiful sight to see.

Captured by the DisneyTok account @Sergiosdadjokes, Luca and Alberto greeted fans while happily swinging their hands and displaying some unmistakable limp wrist action. Now this is the visibility we’re talking about!

Commenters were so charmed by the heartwarming sight of Luca and Alberto that the couldn’t help but confess their excitement. “I’d be so happy to see this as a child,” one commenter wrote, while another simply stated: “I needed this as a kid.”

Some commenters, however, were thrown off by one strange detail. “I’m not used to seeing Luca and Alberto with shoes on,” one commenter pointed out, which, yeah, for a movie about a boy/fish hybrid, it is a little weird! But it doesn’t take away from how cute and sweet this is. “Luca 2 when,” another commenter inquired. Honestly, we’d all like to know.

But one poster really got to the heart of things in the comment section, simply writing: “excuse me while I sob.”

You and me both, friend. You and me both.