If you’re an MSNBC sapphic, chances are you’ve been tuning into that trusted news source for one reason and one reason only: Rachel Maddow.

For years now, Maddow has been a trusted queer presence at the news outlet, as well as a rare source of futch realness in an industry that loves to pretend that cis straight white dudes are the only people who can read the news.

But hold on now—word on the street is that there’s another extremely hot butch on the block. And the sapphics are taking definite notice.

When one sapphic posted a clip of another MSNBC anchor, it didn’t take long for things to get very, very hot in the comments. “Welp I may just start watching the news now,” one commenter posted. Another commenter found themselves experiencing something of an awakening after watching the clip. “Wait…” they wrote. “Am I straight or… 🥰”

So who’s the gorgeous mystery anchor? Her name is Paola Ramos, and she’s been appearing on MSNBC for some time now. She also used to work at Vice News (RIP.) And to make things even hotter, Ramos is the author of the forthcoming book Defectors: The rise of the Latino far right and what it means for America.

So yeah, we’re stans now. Here’s Ramos breaking down the dangers of a JD Vance vice presidency in an Instagram post.

Ramos is also using her platform to speak out against the recent murder of Sonya Massey at the hands of the police.

Ramos is doing the work, and looking incredible while doing it. No wonder everyone has a crush. “Commenting to stay on Paola Ramos tok,” one commenter wrote. And yes, if you’re wondering, she is proudly queer.

Personally, we can’t wait to see more of Ramos’s work.