Being cast as James Bond might seem like the pinnacle of a certain kind of actor’s career, and no doubt it’s thrilling to go to gorgeous locales to make the same 3-hour cars-go-zoom movie again and again for lots of money.

But as we’re seeing, the fun really starts after one’s time in the Bond franchise comes to an end. We’ve seen what post-Bond freedom has done for Daniel Craig, who is taking this time to embrace his inner lesbian. And as for 90s Bond actor Pierce Brosnan, well—he’s just getting sexier with age. It’s almost as if the further he gets from the Bond franchise, the hotter he becomes.

I am not alone in this opinion. Witness: the Internet.

At a recent Wimbledon match, the 71-year-old silver fox looked immaculate in a double-breasted navy blue suit and suspenders. Seated nearby were legendary actress Glenn Close (Brosnan’s Mars Attacks co-star) and Andrew Garfield.

It’s not the first time our man has served c*nt at Wimbledon, and it won’t be the last.

Brosnan looks as fantastic as it’s possible to look in your early 70s, and we must stan. We must also drool.

Photos of the unlikely triad quickly got the meme treatment, for good reason.

What we wouldn’t have given to be a fly on the court during this momentous meeting of the Aging Like Fine Wine Academy…plus Andrew Garfield. Maybe next time?