In a recent tweet, JK Rowling claimed that “The vast majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria if allowed to go through puberty. The single best cure is letting nature take its course.” In her defense, she cited the pseudoscience organization Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM).

SEGM is a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group that exists to oppose gender-affirming care through the veneer of being a scientific organization. While they do predominantly feature academics as members, all of these academics have an anti-trans slant to their messaging.

The article she cites from SEGM claims that trans kids tend to “grow out” of their transness without intervention. However, the studies cited have numerous flaws, including largely not analyzing transgender individuals and instead studying kids who haven’t even been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Rowling’s tweet has been proven false by Dr. Jack Turban, a leading researcher in transgender health. He responded with a tweet that detailed the specific flaws in her argument.

“Those are studies of prepubertal children who aren’t candidates for gender-affirming medical interventions under any medical guidelines. They don’t apply to adolescents considering blockers or hormones,” Turban explained.

“Also, Kristina Olson from Princeton analyzed those studies and found most of the kids didn’t have gender dysphoria,” Turban continued. “When asked their gender identity, 90% reported their sex assigned at birth.”

The exchanges came after a thread where Rowling gleefully wrote “the times they are a-changin’” in response to a TV analysis discussing puberty blockers being banned from Great Britain.