We’re getting closer and closer to November 5, which means that for the Trump family, these last crucial weeks are of the utmost importance as far as grifting is concerned. While Trump is busy hawking watches and Barron is scoring marks toward his diploma at Grifter U, Melania is coming up with a money-making scheme of her own. Only it’s not clear how much people are actually willing to pay for a book of photographs taken by the one-term First Lady.

That’s right: Melania is releasing a collector’s edition of her recently-published memoir. What sets the new edition apart? Photographs. Taken by Melania Trump. Of the world around her.

Now if that doesn’t have you brandishing your wallet I don’t know what will!

“For $250, I will dump my iPhone library onto your computer,” one poster wrote, summarizing the grift perfectly. “She has to make the dough she owes Shutterstock somehow,” another commenter joked.

“She’s just as big a grifter as Trump is,” another poster said, hitting the nail right on the head.

It’s definitely funny to think that anyone would want to purchase a collector’s edition of Melania’s memoirs with or without photos. It’s like having a collector’s edition of a fart.

In this economy, asking for $250 for anything is pretty much murder. But if there’s one thing we know about Melania, it’s that she has the audacity, and she will use it.

But maybe there’s something we don’t about this specific grift…something that, if we did know about it, might actually manage to boost sales. “Someone is desperate for divorce funds,” one commenter said, and yes, it makes perfect sense. Honestly this is the perfect time to raise funds for that very worthy cause. Otherwise, Melania, you can absolutely keep your iPhone photos to yourself.

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