The term “tomboy” has a rich history that intersects with queer culture in profound ways. As it turns out, it goes even deeper than most people would expect. There is a rich history of the term “tomboy” and it has evolved over the years. Let’s start from the beginning.

Understanding the Origins of “Tomboy”

The word “tomboy” dates back to the 16th century, initially describing a boisterous boy. By the 19th century, its meaning shifted to girls who exhibited behaviors traditionally associated with boys, like being adventurous and assertive. This change happened during the Victorian era, which had strict gender norms defining acceptable behaviors for men and women. There was also a coded racial element to the “tomboy” label at this time. “Amid fears that white people would become a minority as more immigrants arrived and abolition neared,” writes Elizabeth King for the Atlantic, “white women were encouraged to lead more active, outdoorsy lifestyles. The tomboy became a perfect cure for white malaise.” Scholar Michelle Ann Abate writes more about the racist associations with the “tomboy” term during this era in their 2008 book “Tomboys: A Literary and Cultural History.”

A Subversion of Gender Norms

Heading into the 20th century, tomboyism, or adopting behaviors and styles traditionally associated with boys, has long been a way for girls to resist and challenge restrictive gender norms. For many, being a tomboy offered empowerment and freedom from the constraints of femininity.

Moreover, Professor Jack Halberstam, author of “Female Masculinity,” views tomboyism as an early expression of female masculinity. Halberstam argues that tomboyism disrupts the binary understanding of gender and creates space for exploring diverse forms of gender expression.

The Intersection of Tomboy Identity and Queerness

For many in the LGBTQ+ community, identifying as a tomboy is a crucial step in their journey of self-discovery. Tomboyism often serves as an early indicator of a non-heteronormative identity, especially for those who later identify as lesbian, queer, bi, or nonbinary.

In these queer contexts, tomboyism can resist heteronormative expectations and embrace a more fluid understanding of gender. The tomboy identity allows individuals to navigate and negotiate their gender presentation authentically. This identity often serves as a precursor to exploring other aspects of their queer orientation and gender identity.

Tomboyism in Media and Popular Culture

The representation of tomboys in media and popular culture has shaped public perceptions significantly. Characters like Scout Finch, Jo March from “Little Women,” and Max Mayfield from “Stranger Things” have become iconic figures. They challenge traditional gender norms and offer visibility to alternative forms of femininity.

However, media portrayals of tomboys can be a double-edged sword. While they offer representation, they can also reinforce stereotypes that limit the understanding of gender diversity. Therefore, it is crucial to move beyond simplistic depictions and acknowledge the complex experiences of those who identify as tomboys.

Embracing Gender Fluidity

Nowadays, the term “tomboy” is getting a fresh look and new definition. Many in the LGBTQ+ community are owning and reshaping the term to reflect their experiences accurately. This new perspective recognizes that gender expression is diverse and flexible. It goes beyond the old-school views of gender roles.

As society evolves, so does the understanding and acceptance of gender fluidity. This shift highlights the importance of embracing diverse gender expressions.

The evolution of the term “tomboy” shows the dynamic nature of gender identity and expression. For many in the queer community, tomboyism represents a powerful form of resistance against rigid gender norms and a step toward embracing their true selves. By understanding and celebrating the diverse ways people express their gender, we can foster a more inclusive and accepting society.