If you’re trans, you’ll already know it’s common practice to claim that everything that’s mildly inconvenient to you personally is transphobic. Taxes? Transphobic! Not being able to afford the Brat tour? Transphobic! The weather being this hot and gross? Extraordinarily transphobic! The rent going up? Basically a hate crime!

But we may have found the worst offender yet. When TikToker Leah went on her usual bucolic English walk in search of cows and sheep, what she found was shocking. Some sheep were totally willing to engage in friendly conversation. (“Baaaaah.”) While others…well…let’s just say they’re canceled.

Speaking to the sheep in their own language, Leah tried her best to make contact. But some of these sheep declined to comment, leading us to believe that they are simply not for the gworls.

“The intense anger when they didn’t respond,” one commenter wrote. “I felt that.” Honestly, same. These sheep couldn’t take three seconds out of their grazing time to say a friendly hello? Come on.

“They’re not talking to me…they’re just eating, the f*ck?” Leah explained. Honestly, rude. “The way they just ignore u i’m crying,” wrote another commenter.

Luckily, Leah did manage to find a group of sheep who were responsive. “These are the real ones,” she says. All those others? Transphobic. Simple as that. You’d think the animal kingdom would be more excited about having an actual queen in their midst, but no. Again, rude!

Just don’t expect us to stand up for you when they come for YOUR rights, sheep!