Pride Month stirs up such a mix of emotions each year: exhaustion, depression, melancholy, an extreme urge to get incredibly drunk in public. When it’s finally over, it feels like we’ve all lived at least three lives each on five different timelines, and most of us are ready to collapse onto the couch for the entire month of July.

Still, it’s sad to see all those logos change back to their normal colors after a month of performative support:

There’s a feeling of smugness about the world just snapping back to heterosexuality-as-default overnight.

That said, we’ve got some ideas for July’s branding:

And we can’t forget that Pride lives in our hearts all year round:

Wouldn’t it be nice to keep Pride alive all year, separate from the corporate gambits for cash?

Sadly, on July 1, it’s back to normal for most of us.

However! July is Disability Pride Month, so there’s still a lot to celebrate.

Part of celebrating Pride all year round means that we keep each other in mind, and celebrate each other, all year round.

There’s still more work to be done, always.