A dream the gays have held onto since we first heard the cerulean sweater monologue in 2006 is finally coming true: The Devil Wears Prada is getting a sequel.

At first glance, the project sounds absolutely fabulous. Both Meryl Streep (as fashion editor Miranda Priestly) and Emily Blunt (as her former assistant Emily Charlton) are reportedly set to return, and the first film’s screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna is in talks to write the sequel, too. If Anne Hathaway will return as industrious journalist Andra Sachs remains to be seen, but getting two out of three iconic actresses isn’t too shabby. Why, then, are folks iffy on the sequel’s success?

Unfortunately, the film’s proposed plot sounds like the opposite of what the first movie’s fans want to see. According to Variety, the sequel’s storyline “follows Priestly as she navigates her career amid the decline of traditional magazine publishing and faces off against Blunt’s character, now a high-powered executive for a luxury group with advertising dollars that Priestly desperately needs.”

So basically, we’ll see Miranda Priestly — a character that Devil Wears Prada fans revere for her cool confidence and undeniable power — in her flop era? Hard pass. Folks across the internet are inclined to agree: “Personally I can’t think of anything I want to see less than Miranda Priestly struggling,” one user wrote on X. “But get your paycheck Meryl.”

Granted, Miranda Priestly was far from the hero of the first movie. Quite the opposite, actually: that movie’s ending even encouraged the audience to pity her. But gays are always going to root for the villains, particularly when they’re dressed as fabulously as Priestly and are dropping iconic line after iconic line.

But others think the premise has potential. A story about the decline of print media is at the very least topical, and seeing a different side of Streep’s character could be refreshing.

The sequel is still in its very early stages of development, so there’s always a chance McKenna and the other folks behind the movie will flip the script after seeing fan reactions. Either way, we will be watching, if only to see how it all pans out. “That’s all.”