The Olympics! They’re a thing that’s happening right now! Which is very exciting for folks who love sports. For the rest of us, the mammoth sporting event inspires less of a thrill—but that doesn’t mean we don’t stay entranced by some of the thirstier moments that come our way.

For instance, what did Reuters exactly think they were doing with this photo over the weekend? Did they think we wouldn’t notice?

Now if I had the slightest interest in Rugby, I would probably know that shorts swapping is a thing people do after a match. But is that the headline here? Is that what’s really important? Nope.

As you can imagine, followers used to the traditional dry news posting from Reuters were all a-tingle in the comments. “Reuters with the content we all wanted ❤️😂” someone posted. Truth! What are the Olympics for if not heartwarming moments like this? “Need to watch more rugby,” another commenter pointed out.


If you ever wondered to yourself, just how muscular can a human butt get, this is your lucky day, because here is the answer in living color.

This is some powerful tush content right here.

And just like that, we’re interested in sports again.