Brenda Biya, the daughter of Cameroon’s president Paul Biya, just came out to the world as queer in a risky and inspiring move, the BBC reports.

She came out by showing herself kissing Brazilian model Layyons Valença in a now-deleted Instagram post. Brenda said she has been with Valença for eight months and has reportedly taken her to Cameroon at least three times. “I’m crazy about you & I want the world to know,” the post read.

Brenda has spoken publicly about this to France’s La Parisien, saying that she came out in hopes of changing Cameroon’s laws on gay relationships. Right now, homosexuality is criminalized, with people risking up to five years in prison.

“Coming out is an opportunity to send a strong message,” said Brenda.

She’s received mixed reactions from both family and fans abroad. While many people have been sending her messages of support, including those in the LGBTQ+ community, she’s also been getting a great deal of hate. 

Her brother sent her an angry call for not telling her family before making the post, and her parents called her demanding she take the post down, before giving her nothing but silence.

Additionally, a group that opposes LGBTQ+ rights has filed a complaint against Brenda to the public prosecutor in the country, saying that “no-one is above the law” and “whenever a Cameroonian citizen or foreigner commits acts that go against the [LGBT] situation in our country, we must seek judicial recourse.”

Cameroonian LGBTQ+ rights activist Bandy Kiki said of Brenda’s coming out on Facebook, “I love this for Cameroon’s First Daughter, Brenda Biya! However, it highlights a harsh reality: Anti-LGBT laws in Cameroon disproportionately target the poor. Wealth and connections create a shield for some, while others face severe consequences.”