Scandal-hit fabulist Rep. George Santos (R-NY) was among the many lawmakers to mark the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 yesterday. He was instantly ratioed on X (formerly Twitter). ‘Ratioed’ means prompting far greater replies than likes.

Santos, 35, the first out-gay Republican elected to Congress, represents New York’s 3rd District. On his official government account, Santos said, “We shall never forget those who died on the worst day in America. Due to 9/11, many of our heroes suffer from conditions such as neuropathy from courageously serving on that fateful day. To include neuropathy in the World Trade Center Health Program’s list, I introduced H.R. 2636.”

HR 2636 is a resolution to include neuropathy as a condition covered by the World Trade Center Health Program. The legislation was sent to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in April but has not proceeded further as yet.

On his personal account, Santos ran a similar message. He said, “Today we remember all those lost on the horrific events of 9/11/01. 22 years have passed and not a day goes by where the images of the greatest attack on our nation are not forgotten. We must keep the fight against terror strong.”

Fatia Devolder

George Santos has been pulled up for telling numerous falsehoods about his background whilst on the campaign trail. He has previously said his late mom, Fatima Devolder, was a finance entrepreneur who had her own office in the Twin Towers. His website claimed she “was in her office in the South Tower on September 11, 2001, when the horrific events of that day unfolded.”

He has tweeted that 9/11 claimed his mom’s life, which led many to think she had perished on that day. However, she actually died in 2016. Santos later explained his mom died as a result of long-term health conditions prompted by inhaling toxic dust on 9/11.

“We’ve never been able to prove that through claims and we’ve never been able to qualify for claims as a family and we just let it go,” he said earlier this year.

In January, The New York Times unearthed a US visa application signed by Santos’ mother in 2003. She stated she had left the US for Brazil in 1999 and had not returned since. This suggested she wasn’t even in New York on 9/11. Santos has called the visa application a “mystery” as he was in New York with his mom in 2001, aged 13.

Given his own controversial connection to the events of 9/11, Santos’ latest tweets prompted eye-rolls online.

Santos is currently facing 13 federal charges of wire fraud, money laundering and theft of public funds.

His latest court appearance was due last week. However, prosecutors asked the judge to postpone the case conference until October. They want Santos’ legal team to go over new evidential material and to continue discussions on a potential way forward that doesn’t involve a trial. Santos has dismissed speculation he will take a plea deal and continues to protest his innocence. If found guilty, he faces up to 20 years in jail.