An attention-seeking, far-right podcaster named Isabella Moody has discovered that whipping up anti-queer hatred goes down well with her MAGA base. 

In a new social media posting, Moody said she wanted the go back to a time when gay people were “shamed”. Rather than feel pride in themselves, Moody made it clear she wants them to go “back in the closet”. She also wants to “normalize” the slur, “f*ggot” to achieve this goal. 

Moody posted a video to X espousing her hateful views a couple of days ago. At the time of writing, the video can still be viewed on X. However, the social media platform says its visibility may be limited because the post “may violate X’s rules against hateful conduct.”

Hmmmm. We’d say there’s no “may” about it. 

Isabella Moody's tweet calling for gay people to be shamed

“I say we bring back normalizing the word f*gg*t,” Moody said. “We need to shame f*gs again. We need to put them back in the closet. I miss those days when people wouldn’t tell anyone they’re gay because it was not celebrated. Now it’s like people are becoming gay because they want to celebrated,” she complained. 

“It’s become a trend. Let’s make it a trend to shame them again.”

Log Cabin Republicans

There’s an argument not to highlight such an ignorant, nasty message. However, it’s worth noting Moody’s video has, worryingly, earned over 55k likes and remains up on X. This is the type of thing that some Trump voters believe.

It’s also worth noting that only last year, right-wing, LGBTQ organization Log Cabin Republicans briefly chose Moody as an “ambassador” for its offshoot organization, Outspoken. 

Announcing Moody as one of its “fearless, fun, and unapologetic” ambassadors for 2023. Outspoken described her as “a modern conservative woman. She speaks out against those who demean and denigrate American values.”

Moody herself appeared to revel in the controversy around her appointment. “This is literally SO GAY!” she tweeted. “Happy to be the token straight homophobic bitch ambassador for @GetOutspokenUSA ! 🌈🏳️‍🌈”

However, in a subsequent interview online about her support for Outspoken, Moody said to fellow internet troll Stew Peters, “I’ve been able to speak out against the homosexuality in the right-wing movement and still maintain some friendships, in that sense, which I don’t condone what they do, I want to make that clear. But I agree with you, it’s hard. I am a Trump supporter, but sometimes it’s … the contradictions in all this pro-Log Cabin Republican stuff, it really just grosses me out and makes me want to vomit.”

Within days, Outspoken had dropped all references to Moody on its website. Outspoken and Log Cabin Republicans have not issued any comment about its association with Moody since. 

Besides earning over 55k likes, Moody’s post has also had 10k retweets and thousands of comments. Most are trashing her for her views.