Being trans these days means spending a lot of your time bracing yourself for the latest affront, whether it’s coming from the legal system, the streaming apps, or the growing number of has-beens who have decided to latch onto the anti-trans wave in a final bid for relevancy.

Speaking of which, as celebrity TERF and possible femcel JK Rowling prepares to meet with the UK’s Labour Party to seemingly make sure they follow through with their transphobic agenda, she may be facing some drama of her own.

To wit: Warner Brothers, the studio that’s had the misfortune to back the most transphobic horse in the race, might just be nearing a point of exhaustion with Rowling’s antics. According to TikToker Jeffrey Marsh, an insider in Hollywood recently spoke about Warner Brothers’ alleged bid to buy the franchise off of Rowling since its stars—outspoken trans allies Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson—have declined to be attached to future projects because of Rowling’s words and actions.

We don’t know whether this will actually come off, or what the time frame will be if a deal is made. But this could signal a huge shift in the industry if a studio decides that it’s easier to detach a property from its controversial creator rather than continue to defend that creator’s bigotry.

It would be a huge win, but it wouldn’t, of course, be the end of the story. Rowling is still a chronically-online billionaire who will most likely keep harassing trans women online and trying to insert her bigoted opinions into the larger political conversation in Scotland and the UK. But cutting off this particular stream of income is certain to serve as warning to other creators who feel the urge to be horrible on main.