The Democratic National Convention is upon us, and with it comes another chance for politics to get gay. During the Republican National Convention in July, we were treated to a Mama Rose-style performance from Donald Trump and a bizarre new face debut from Matt Gaetz, along with speculation that a flood of Grindr activity from anonymous Republicans was the reason for repeated crashes on the hookup app.

Now, the DNC in Chicago has earned its own share of Grindr discourse, thanks to a picture snapped from the stands of the convention.

Maya Luna, the executive director of Gen Z progressive media organization Progress Libs, was attending the DNC when she noticed someone a few rows ahead of her was clearly on Grindr, thanks to the app’s iconic orange and blue text bubbles.

“Openly on Grindr at the DNC is sooo funny,” she wrote in a post on X, along with a wide shot and a zoomed in picture of the Grindr-goer in question.

The reaction to Luna’s post was mixed, to say the least. Some folks criticized Luna for potentially outing someone at the convention, and for taking and posting a pic of a stranger in the first place, Grindr or no Grindr.

Others defend the Grindr user’s freedom to cruise, no matter the time and place — though speaking of the time and place, the DNC is no doubt chock-full of gay politicians and political enthusiasts. Why not take advantage of all the convention has to offer? “God forbid men have hobbies,” one user quipped.

It’s also a far cry from being on Grindr at the RNC, which was much more hypocritical considering that party’s anti-LGBTQ+ platform.

Luna, for her part, returned with a follow-up post saying that someone who recognized the man confirmed that she wasn’t outing him, and that he’s “notoriously on Grindr everywhere he goes.” If that’s true, more power to him for making the DNC his personal cruising ground.