A legendary friendship was just formed on TikTok. A friendship that bends the laws of space and time. A friendship that crosses the superficial divides in the queer community. A friendship … between an identical lesbian and twink duo.

The story began when influencer Kez Sexton was out thrift shopping, where she spotted someone across the store that looked eerily familiar. Naturally, she broke out her camera to document the Twilight Zone-esque encounter.

“There’s a guy in here that looks just like me,” she said. “I’m talking hair, walk — do I go say hi? I’m, like, actually freaking out.”

Sexton decided to face her fears and approach the stranger, who turned out to be Danish influencer Erik Hald.

“Hi. I just want to say I love your hair,” Sexton said.

“Thank you so much. I love your hair,” Hald replied — a natural response, considering they have the exact same cut and color.

“I don’t know if it’s crazy, but I feel like we look the same,” Sexton said back, and Hald agreed.

“You’re my actual f*cking twin,” he said, one hand over his mouth in shock. “I’m literally gagging. I’m gagging. I’m gagging.”

“Oh my god, you’re like the lesbian version of me,” Hald realized.

“You’re like the twink version of me!” Sexton said back, and the rest was history. The two became fast friends, with Sexton helping Hald pick out clothes to finish out his thrifting trip.

Sexton’s comments section was amazed at the interaction, with one commenter dropping the iconic phrase, “He’s literally your twin(k).”

Others were torn between wonderment and confusion. On the sweet side of things, folks wrote, “The way you guys immediately became best friends made my heart burst,” and, “These are lowkey the kind of interactions that make life worth living.”

And among the bewildered, one commenter pointed out how disorienting the experience of randomly meeting your twin. would be. “Imagine leaving the house, normal day, and then BOOM you meet your doppelgänger????” they wrote.

Sexton and Hald reunited for two more videos: one on Sexton’s page where they tried to match facial expressions and see how similar they truly looked. (Spoiler alert: they may have been separated at birth.) Hald also taught Sexton how to say goodbye in his native language, Danish: “Farvel!”


twin where have you been @ErikHald

♬ original sound – kez

And one Hald’s page, they danced it out to the Gen Z classic “I Am A Girl Like You” from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper.

Clearly, the two were destined to meet, and we can’t wait to see where their friendship will take them next.