When you think of nonbinary icons, who comes to mind? Perhaps Janelle Monáe, Sam Smith, or Demi Lovato — and now, thanks to a confusing on-air statement, we can add ex-president Donald Trump to that list.

In an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Trump accidentally stumbled into giving us nonbinary representation. The exchange began when Ingraham brought up that Kamala Harris has she/her pronouns listed in her bio on X. “What are your pronouns?” she asked Trump.

Apparently failing to understand that pronouns are just a standard part of speech and not a tool of the “woke agenda,” Trump rejected the question outright.

“I have no — I don’t want pronouns. I don’t want pronouns,” he said.

But queer folks know that not using traditional pronouns isn’t a sign of being cis, but a sign of gender nonconformity. If Trump doesn’t want to use any pronouns at all, does that mean he falls somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella? Perhaps he’s agender or genderfluid — a possibility that Ingraham even raised during the interview.

“So you’re fluid?” she asked. “What is that?”

Trump again didn’t acknowledge Ingraham’s question, instead ranting about pronouns being confusing. “Nobody even knows what that means. Ask [Harris] to describe exactly what that means,” Trump said. “Nobody knows!”

The internet, of course, latched onto Trump’s claim of not wanting any pronouns at all (and Ingraham’s iconic quip in return). Influencer Natalie Wynn (aka ContraPoints) even chimed in, writing that Trump’s quasi-coming out makes him our “first any/all president.” Surely, being America’s first openly gender nonconforming president is exactly what Trump would want for his legacy, and we’re more than happy to oblige.