Donald Trump should probably be preparing for his time in the big house after being convicted on 34 slay, house-down-boots charges of fraud. But instead, he’s leaning into it. Or at least…he’s leaning. We don’t quite know what he’s doing in a now-viral new photo, but we do know that the Internet has thoughts—hilarious ones, as usual.

When the account Patriot Takes posted a photo of Trump seeming to defy gravity like Elphaba, it didn’t take long for the memes to take off.

So refreshing to see a good old-fashioned photoshop job in an AI-soaked world!

It’s giving a strange kind of relatability…

Is he about to fall or…?

Paging Gary Larson!

The topical takes were coming in hot!

Some were even reminded of the best lean of all time: the Smooth Criminal lean.

Others merely felt…you know…old.

We might not be able to keep this man from running for president, but at least we can enjoy the memes.