Ever since her swift, strange pivot from beloved children’s book author to career transphobe, trans folks have had one burning question about JK Rowling.

Is she—you know—okay?

We may finally have the answer. A recent tweet pointed out a shocking new revelation that could explain Rowling’s abrupt turn to the dark side.

When one poster noticed something quite concerning in a recent photo of the professional TERF, everything started to click. Is that, in fact, high levels of mold growing on her walls? I mean I know Scotland is damp, but Christ!

Other X users had the same question: can this possibly be right? Is it a weird wallpaper design or is that creeping mold climbing up the walls going totally unchecked? And if it is—could this explain Rowling’s turn to the dark side? Living with mold like that could definitely mess with your mind and your overall well being.

I never thought I’d say this, but I think I’m worried about JK Rowling’s health?

We heard a story before about Rowling’s reputation as a shut-in femcel who won’t even see her friends and family. If the weird stuff on the wall is in fact mold, this could absolutely give credence to that theory.

While it’s amusing and completely baffling that someone with more money than God wouldn’t simply pay for someone to help her out with cleaning and filtration, it’s also genuinely worrisome. How do you get to a point in life where bullying trans women is more important than breathing clean air?

Seriously, what on Earth is going on here?

We’d feel a lot worse for her if she hadn’t dedicated the past decade to making the lives of trans folks hell.

But you know what they say. Karma’s a b*tch, and it’s also the breeze in my hair on the weekend, and also a cat purring on my lap ‘cuz it loves me.